Statement & Commitments.
”We will build the first digital eco system. A digital eco system, with everything from fully functional Ai-avatar driven environments to functional parallel digital societies. And at the same time construct the first 100% sustainable society that gives back more than it consumes.”
Our ESG statement.
Greatlinq's technology is a game changer, as its environmental footprint is a fraction of that of its competitors.
Our ESG Commitment.
We are committed to driving down our energy and carbon impacts, as we believe that climate change is one of the greatest risks to our world. Our sustainability program is committed to environmentally sustainable initiatives that deliver near-term efficiency, value, and health for our business, our people, and the wider community. Workers and citizen expect to reduce traveling or commuting, saving CO2 and time.
Our personal responsibility.
The major shareholders, Tommy Östberg and Morgan Jakobsson, and the board have overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy. Suggestions for change should be reported to Morgan Jakobsson and Tommy Östberg. Line managers have day-to-day responsibility for this policy and you should refer any questions about this policy to them in the first instance. This policy is reviewed annually by the board. Changes may be made at any time as government guidance develops.