T.2 ESG.
Environmental, social and governance issues do not exist in a vacuum.
”We will build the first digital eco system. A digital eco system, with everything from fully functional Ai-avatar driven environments to functional parallel digital societies. And at the same time construct the first 100% sustainable society that gives back more than it consumes.”
We strive to build sustainable, equitable, healthy, and diverse communities through a combination of innovative business practises and exemplary environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. This commitment informs every aspect of our business, including how we design and build new projects, operate our company, collaborate with stakeholders and report progress.
This ESG Policy sets out our approach to sustainability matters. At the heart of the Policy is a corporate culture that has sustainability at the core of all our business operations and values.
Greatlinq & ESG.
The GHG Protocol established a comprehensive global standardized framework for measuring and managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from private and public activities, value chains and mitigation measures. The signatories of the GHG Protocol have committed to reducing emissions across the entire value chain.
Supply chain management (Scope 3 emissions) has the most negative impact on companies and therefore requires significant attention from companies. Unfortunately, it is a complex and inconsistent regulation and the stumbling block for increased ESG focus.
There is a clear need for more reliable, transparent data on ESG products, as the lack of consistent, transparent standards has made the mislabeling of products as "ESG" a widespread issue.
Companies that ignore how their actions harm the future are increasingly under pressure.
Some regulations already require companies to monitor ESG impacts more closely across their entire supply chain, which has led to an increased record-keeping burden for many. Additional corporate disclosures have already been adopted by several large organizations voluntarily, including the increase in sustainability reports in recent years. Mandatory reporting and disclosures, if required by ongoing regulatory changes, will lead to significant investment in the short term as companies make adjustments to become compliant.